Putin-Scorched Earth Policy?
Scorched earth
A scorched-earth policy is a military strategy that aims to destroy anything that might be useful to the enemy while it is advancing through or withdrawing from a location. Any assets that could be used by the enemy may be targeted, for example food sources, water supplies, transportation, communications, industrial resources, and even the locale’s people themselves.
End of excerpt from Wikipedia
Replace “Military” with “Russians Or People Operating for the Benefit of the Russian Government and Detriment of the United States of America”…
Replace “Enemy” with (From “Putin’s Perspective”, that would be the “USA”)…
Replace “Location” with “Dire Situation”…
Replace “Assets” with “Our Economy, Our Population (Through Divisive Rhetoric), Our Allies and Our Governmental Institutions”….
Can You Say Kompromat?
In Russian politics, kompromat, short for “compromising material” (компрометирующий материал), is damaging information about a politician or other public figure used to create negative publicity, for blackmail, or for ensuring loyalty. Kompromat may be acquired from various security services, or outright forged, and then publicized by use of a public relations official. Widespread use of kompromat has been one of the characteristic features of the politics of Russia and other post-Soviet states.
Here We Go Again
I cannot believe that in six hard years of getting over the Republican way of doing things, we are heading back in history to repeat all of the mistakes of the past. Anyone who follows politics for the sake of staying informed knows that EVERY SINGLE REP ADMINISTRATION SINCE THE FIFTIES ends in disaster for our economy. One again, we let the Reps trick us into thinking that they are for the middle class when HISTORY PROVES the opposite. Deregulation to help the big guys out at the expense of the hard working people who really get the work done that moves our system forward. What a crock to think that somehow letting banks have our money to invest any way that they see fit, all protected from accountability, is somehow a GREAT IDEA. This leads to many loans etc to the “Inner Circle” of influence that these people control, and then ALL the rest of the taxpayers have to pick up the tab, as they are orchestrated RAIDS on the funds that the Government controls with the intentions on default in “SOME” and out of fairness, I’ll repeat; “SOME” cases. I’ll let you in a little known secret, this tactic is the way that they rob the states governments of the money that’s available to them. then the states have to cut back on what they spend their money on, either public defense, as in services, or public health, which include many social programs that help vets and other needy groups. This is more of their “Every Man For Himself” outlook on life, and also their opinion that every penny that someone makes somehow should belong to them and them alone. Why is it then that ALL walks of America have to “Protect” the systems that allow individuals freedoms to be able to choose their livelihoods in the first place. ALL at the expense of taxpayers across the board. How long do you think a company would do “BIG” business without the “Protection” of the American Military? Its the Super Rich that benefit the most, and they do it in ways that transfer the costs of their doing business to everyone else who supports the system through taxes from their wages etc. This is what “TRICKLE DOWN ECONOMICS” really is. Let me know what you think.
One Voice, One Vote… Period…
Source: Flickr Creative Commons I’m sick of these homegrown mouth pieces who always us phrases like” The American people feel… blah blah, there never is no clear mandate, as only approximately fifty percent of citizens on the average engage in the system and that number is pretty evenly divided . That means that only 50 percent of 50 percent of the population feels that way they do on average. That’s only about 25 percent of the people dictating to the rest of us how it’s gonna be. Anyone who talks things like “We’ve got to take back our country” are borderline enemies of the state. The proper response would be “We’ve got to win the war of ideas through educating the public, and then win the next election so that we can “Legally” obtain the right to govern our country for four year”. It’s people who think they have a right to have more than one voice per one vote who are the enemies. By using obscene amounts of money to misinform the public, spread falsehoods and lies are by actions, trying to hijack our Country. Any one person who buys the value of two votes needs to lose their ability to spend money on politics as this act constitutes denying others equal representation.
Do You Have An Offshore Bank Account?
It must be somewhat troubling for the average American to comprehend using loopholes and tax shelters to avoid detection, while smiling and saying “I’m your guy”… What next? Maybe Mitt Romney should show his tax returns and a copy of his- Source: Yahoo
birth certificate… LOL…