“Red Sparrow”
Red Sparrow?
I don’t even know what to say. This should come as No Surprise to Anyone…
Putin-Scorched Earth Policy?
Scorched earth
A scorched-earth policy is a military strategy that aims to destroy anything that might be useful to the enemy while it is advancing through or withdrawing from a location. Any assets that could be used by the enemy may be targeted, for example food sources, water supplies, transportation, communications, industrial resources, and even the locale’s people themselves.
End of excerpt from Wikipedia
Replace “Military” with “Russians Or People Operating for the Benefit of the Russian Government and Detriment of the United States of America”…
Replace “Enemy” with (From “Putin’s Perspective”, that would be the “USA”)…
Replace “Location” with “Dire Situation”…
Replace “Assets” with “Our Economy, Our Population (Through Divisive Rhetoric), Our Allies and Our Governmental Institutions”….
Can You Say Kompromat?
In Russian politics, kompromat, short for “compromising material” (компрометирующий материал), is damaging information about a politician or other public figure used to create negative publicity, for blackmail, or for ensuring loyalty. Kompromat may be acquired from various security services, or outright forged, and then publicized by use of a public relations official. Widespread use of kompromat has been one of the characteristic features of the politics of Russia and other post-Soviet states.
Founding Fathers Were Not Fortune Tellers
Source: Flickr Creative Commons Always the talk about the founding fathers and their grand ideas for America. Wake up, the only great vision was that no one knew for sure what the future would bring so they set about to make a system that could “Change” with the times, always stalwart with certain basic principles like provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare and the likes. Another thing they did not know was how our country’s financial system would hijack our economy. Too big to fail, talk about arriving in heaven, These fat cats are laughing at us all the way to the bank. That would be an offshore bank most likely by the way. THE STOCK MARKET LARGESSE WHERE COMPANIES CAN EFFECT OUR COUNTRIES ECONOMY WITH A ONE DAY OF WALL STREET MOVEMENT.., NOR THE INTERNET, AND ALL OF THE POSSIBILITIES FOR EXPLOITATION, NOR THE ENORMOUS COMPANIES THAT WOULD COME TO “RUN” CERTAIN SEGMENTS OF OUR ECONOMY, (At the very least making the common man wonder what the term anti-trust really means). IF our founding fathers would have known of the future, they would most certainly would have put certain limits in place. Reasonable is just as much a part of freedom as is lack of bondage. THEY WOULD HAVE KNOWN THAT THERE NEEDS TO BE RULES IN “FREEDOM” TO ASSURE “FREEDOM” FOR EVERYONE. I”M CERTAIN OF IT.
Natural Gas is the Resource and Property of ALL AMERICANS
Source: Wikipedia Im a firm believer that all the natural gas that exists underground should belong to “ALL Americans, and if possible, the Government” ie: (the people as a whole) should get into the gas business. Why leave every single profitable venture to private capitalists which never reimburse the American people for the resources they plunder… Why not take all the profit, cut costs for everyone, and supply a cheap cost effective source of energy for all American’s to enjoy for more than the next hundred years. That’s a century… Certainly after all that time, we should have plenty of alternative fuel sources in place by then so let’s move forward and break the cycle of the super advantaged taking our nations natural resources and profiting privately on the backs of the workers and ordinary citizens of our great country… I welcome your comments.