
  • Business,  Government,  Issues,  Politics,  Socialism,  Society

    Natural Gas is the Resource and Property of ALL AMERICANS

    Source: Wikipedia
    Source: Wikipedia

    Im a firm believer that all the natural gas that exists underground should belong to “ALL Americans, and if possible, the Government” ie: (the people as a whole) should get into the gas business. Why leave every single profitable venture to private capitalists which never reimburse the American people for the resources they plunder… Why not take all the profit, cut costs for everyone, and supply a cheap cost effective source of energy for all American’s to enjoy for more than the next hundred years. That’s a century… Certainly after all that time, we should have plenty of alternative fuel sources in place by then so let’s move forward and break the cycle of the super advantaged taking our nations natural resources and profiting privately on the backs of the workers and ordinary citizens of our great country… I welcome your comments.

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  • Business,  Conservatism,  Government,  Mainsite Content,  Politics

    Here We Go Again

    I cannot believe that in six hard years of getting over the Republican way of doing things, we are heading back in history to repeat all of the mistakes of the past. Anyone who follows politics for the sake of staying informed knows that EVERY SINGLE REP ADMINISTRATION SINCE THE FIFTIES ends in disaster for our economy. One again, we let the Reps trick us into thinking that they are for the middle class when HISTORY PROVES the opposite. Deregulation to help the big guys out at the expense of the hard working people who really get the work done that moves our system forward. What a crock to think that somehow letting banks have our money to invest any way that they see fit, all protected from accountability, is somehow a GREAT IDEA. This leads to many loans etc to the “Inner Circle” of influence that these people control, and then ALL the rest of the taxpayers have to pick up the tab, as they are orchestrated RAIDS on the funds that the Government controls with the intentions on default in “SOME” and out of fairness, I’ll repeat; “SOME” cases. I’ll let you in a little known secret, this tactic is the way that they rob the states governments of the money that’s available to them. then the states have to cut back on what they spend their money on, either public defense, as in services, or public health, which include many social programs that help vets and other needy groups. This is more of their “Every Man For Himself” outlook on life, and also their opinion that every penny that someone makes somehow should belong to them and them alone. Why is it then that ALL walks of America have to “Protect” the systems that allow individuals freedoms to be able to choose their livelihoods in the first place. ALL at the expense of taxpayers across the board. How long do you think a company would do “BIG” business without the “Protection” of the American Military? Its the Super Rich that benefit the most, and they do it in ways that transfer the costs of their doing business to everyone else who supports the system through taxes from their wages etc. This is what “TRICKLE DOWN ECONOMICS” really is. Let me know what you think.

  • Conservatism,  Politics,  Society

    One Voice, One Vote… Period…

    Source: Flickr Creative Commons
    Source: Flickr Creative Commons

    I’m sick of these homegrown mouth pieces who always us phrases like” The American people feel… blah blah, there never is no clear mandate, as only approximately fifty percent of citizens on the average engage in the system and that number is pretty evenly divided . That means that only 50 percent of 50 percent of the population feels that way they do on average. That’s only about 25 percent of the people dictating to the rest of us how it’s gonna be. Anyone who talks things like “We’ve got to take back our country” are borderline enemies of the state. The proper response would be “We’ve got to win the war of ideas through educating the public, and then win the next election so that we can “Legally” obtain the right to govern our country for four year”.  It’s people who think they have a right to have more than one voice per one vote who are the enemies. By using obscene amounts of money to misinform the public, spread falsehoods and lies are by actions, trying to hijack our Country. Any one person who buys the value of two votes needs to lose their ability to spend money on politics as this act constitutes denying others equal representation.

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  • Business,  Politics,  Society

    Hijacked Again…

    Typical of the average “politick”… get a domain like “Town Hall”  or and organization like the “United States Chamber of Commerce” which gives the impression it is the general consensus of all opinions and viewpoints, consisting of all americans of different viewpoints, but in reality, it is a one-sided affair in which article after article expouses the “Dangers” of one man, “Obama”. Come on, why is it that conservatives always hijack such commonplace names that sound like it’s “inclusive” but is really exclusive to their narrow minded view of things. That’s because to a conservative, town hall is something they think is only theirs something akin to most things american which belong to only “True Americans”. THe problem is is that they are the ones who decide who and what is american; Calling anyone who disagrees somehow “Socialist” or “Unamerican”, as the “other side” is somehow invading our country or hijacking it. No one stole the election the last time we had one, (wait a minute, are we talking 2008, oh yeah back to the “Current” 2012 election coming up… so noone is hijacking our country contrary to what some would have you believe. Another myth is that the government is somehow our enemy. The special interest want you to think that so that you will give up on the american system, therebye leaving it to them to have their way with it. Don’t forget people, the government is “US” we just have to reclaim it.

    Now that the Republicans have gained control over the Senate and The House of Representatives, our country is in BIG TROUBLE, for sure. Talk about a set of unpleasant circumstances all coming together at the same time, setting us up for more of the same crooked policies that got our country in this trouble in the first place. Talk about a rigged system favoring the rich at every turn. Look at one of the first things they did. Give the Bankers BACK the ability to gamble your money by investing it as they see fit. If the investment pays off, you receive NOTHING for your capital. If the investments fail, then the taxpayers will have to pay for the losses. Does that seem fair? Look for more info on this on this site.